💰Staking Pool

Earn more PLNT using Planetarium Staking Pool.

Planetarium team is delighted to announce the launch of the Fixed Staking Pool! Our contract without mint function has made it possible! It lets you use your tokens to earn more tokens, for free. Simply put, you lock your cryptocurrency to receive rewards. User can stake only PLNT tokens in exchange for more PLNT. Planetarium DeFi aims to provide users with the most lucrative and stable opportunities for earning.

Fixed Staking Pool presents users with prominent advantages:

When tokens are deposited into the Staking Pool, a 15-day timer and 30% comission will be automatically set. The commission for an early withdrawal decreases by 2% daily. In this way, if more than 15 days have passed since tokens were deposited into the Staking Pool, there will be no commission for withdrawing your PLNT. All tokens obtained through this feature will be automatically transferred to the Reward Pool.

Last updated